Podiatry is a paramedical therapy that focuses on treating physical complaints in the lower extremities. Our practitioners examine and treat complaints caused by abnormal foot positions or walking patterns. These complaints can occur in the feet, ankles, knees, hips and/or back. The practitioners have various therapies and skills, such as fitting podiatric insoles, performing foot treatments and providing information and advice on footwear and foot care, among other things. A consultation and examination takes about 30 to 45 minutes and includes an interview, a biomechanical examination and mapping of foot position and posture.
Our team includes both podiatrists and registered podiatrists, each with their own specialisations. At the intake, we discuss which practitioner would be best for you. Our practice in Leidschendam also uses ultrasound to visualise foot and ankle complaints.
Our qualified podiatrists are members of the NVvP (Dutch Podiatry Association) and are also registered in the Paramedics Quality Register with mandatory accreditation.
Our qualified registered podiatrists are affiliated with the LOOP foundation (Stichting Landelijk Overkoepelend Orgaan voor de Podologie) and are also registered in KABIZ. (Quality Registration and Accreditation Healthcare Professionals) with compulsory accreditation.
Our team attends refresher and continuing education courses very regularly and is driven to strive for the best possible quality of care.
As of January 1, Podozorg Den Haag is part ofExpertisecentrum Podotherapie. This concerns the location in health center De Reef in Ypenburg.
We are proud to continue this beautiful location and we will continue to work there with Irene Jansen (registered podiatrist).
Podozorg Den Haag has been active at this location for over 20 years. From January (online) appointments can be scheduled there, but of course we can also be reached by phone.